Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Piece of mind for the peace of mind

The accounts section of my center has not been able to pay my US apartment Bills, credited through my Amex card .. over a lakh in rupees.. of arrears.. for over 3 months. They are too lethargic to do it.. and it doesnt matter to them that the company is incurring thousands of Rs .. in late payment surcharges...

The only reason I can think of the delay is that my settlement documents included dozens of taxi bills.. , customized apartment and car bills.. and detailed settlement reports.. or maybe they think that this payment is too small to have a priority.. they must have had far more important things and far less hefty docs to have settled in the last 3 months.. So there.

Each of these credit card companies.. have their own money extraction ( read extortion ) squads.. ohh yes they outsource that too.. .. and well .. pestering payment defaulters is justified to a large extent ... maybe disabling of the cards is too.. but.. as the days go by .. the surveilance and requests turn to ... scolds, shouts and abuses.. and proper threats...

Today was a day when the Amex extractionist outfit operating sumwhere from Delhi crossed the line that separates decent taunts and muffled protests to Bashi-Bazouk mouthing..

And I got red.. looked like a blo*dy 2nd grade Delhi police verification.. starting from insisting my personal address., to the permanent one.. to proper threats... and he went on for 15 minutes.. and it was hard to even convince him that i was not in position to give him a post dated cheque today since the book was at home

2 minutes after the call.. and bearing in mind what all the adjacent cubicles from here and afar had heard of my part of the conversation... I went to the accounts section.. and gave them my piece of mind..

A Royal Piece o' Ma Mind.

and never mind the age difference with the auditor or the ratifier.. or the head... or any of tiddly piddlies who had assembled there

Maybe the voice was a bit too loud.. cos I saw the guy sitting at the farthest area at the other end of the floor stare at me later... but then .. its really hard .. to get abused for sumthing you are not responsible for.. and be smiley faced lovey dovey its-a-part-of-life I- can- understand about it.. .

Have had a talk with 2 of the senior managers.. and the investigations have definitely revealed 2-3 seriously profoundly critical reasons why the payment couldnt be done.. and obviously.. I feel the need of laughing the demons laugh again so that all and sundry can hear not just in this floor by right across the GMs office two floors below......

But maybe the peace of mind hemisphere of my brawny brain has prevailed over the piece of mind side this time around.. and the only thing I can picture right now is how easily the faces of all the accountants and their printed tie bosses perfectly fit into any thickest of the thick skinned animals that wander around this planet..

every one is back to merry making and internet gossip.

So hope fer a better day tomorrow.. I am leaving office... I dont have any inclination to work late today..


Anonymous said...

hii..mehak here...well ur behaviour with the accounts dept is justified.....but then...wrk here has always been like this...keep pestering the other person....n get ur wrk done....n hey...u'll have a GOOD DAY TOMORROW...byeee

Anonymous said...

hii noorie here.... really feel bad par always there is a better tomorrow so all the best for yur new morning.... and merry christmas.

Anonymous said...

Sammy here:

Accounts and Admin departments are the same everywhere..Be it where you currently are..Or be it where I currently am ;) Remember the late sitting claims - almost nightmarish !!! :D

You were totally justified in doing what you did..Ekdum 100%.